Monday, June 29, 2009


Oh how Motherhood can change a girl!

Today I found myself walking around the neighborhood wearing a cotton maternity sundress, tennis shoes and a ponytail cocked sideways from sleeping! Worst didn't bother me!

  • Will there be a day when I care about my looks again?
  • Will I get to shower on a regular basis?
  • Will I ever choose to tan in the sun over taking a nap?
Until that day comes I will be happy that...
  • I have curly hair and it is pretty forgiving when it comes to style...I've probably snuck a dirty hair day by you once or twice without you noticing.
  • I don't know anyone in our neighborhood.
  • Oh yes...and I have a BEAUTIFUL daughter who will one day soon smile at me and make it all worthwhile! I say that only because we have been battling tears in our waking hours. It seems that when she is awake she is on the verge of crying. I don't think it is colic as she IS consolable. I think she is just so SMART that she gets board easily and therefore is constantly telling us we need to challenge her more:)

Tell me your stories...was there a moment when you realized your priorities had changed? Let's laugh together!

By the way, sleeping is improving. She has been sleeping in 4 hour stretches this week and she easily goes down after her 10pm and 2am feedings! Actually last night she slept for a 5 hour stretch and a 4 hour stretch. That is awesome and I am thrilled with her progress.

I took a video of Summer waking up from her nap yesterday and she was so happy BUT of course something happened with my video upload and I can't share it. However, I was able to take a snapshop from the video (a new tool I am starting to use) of a SMILE.

FYI - I figured out the formating of the picture uploads. When I browse to upload the photos there is an option on the pop up window for indent and the size of the picture. That was just a natural step that I wasn't even looking at the settings.


Gramma said...

That is one of the most beautiful and happiest smiles I have ever seen! Gramma

MIMI said...

AMEN, Gramma! Grandmother, Aunt Pam, Aunt Dot and MIMI are all sitting here watching Summer entertain us!! --and her Mommie entertain us with her words. I am teaching everyone how to respond--so get ready for some good feedback.
Love and kisses,

Gram said...

Gram says that she is going to respond much more often. We will do much better when MIMI comes to Florida. Summer and her mom and dad are precious! Love,Gram

Gramma said...

who is Gram? I am sorry that I don't know.....Gramma

mook said...

Gram is Trish's sister Pam, but she is "Gram" to her 4 grandkids and I guess the name is now stuck.
Jana, you are a hoot! You and Summer are normal. We all went through those foggy days and had no idea if we were doing things right.
You will be able to shower again on a regular basis, and you will care what you look like, but at least for a while, you will probably smell and every shirt you own will have spit up on one or both shoulders! Love you!!!
Mook (Michelle..married to Jana's cousin Todd)

Unknown said...

Greetings from Aunt Coco (that's Nicole for those who may not know). I'm just now catching up on the blog and it's just AWESOME to see all the videos and be a part of Summer's growing and changing and being the most precious baby. Can't wait to squeeze her.

Leigh Collins said...

That is so funny, but so normal. At least you don't know your neighbors! I did and I was mortified to walk outside even though I had the worst case of cabin fever! One of my funny stories is seeing my loving (and equally tired - he got up every time with me during the night even though he had to work all day - that only lasted with the first child ~ secretly I think he was afraid of my frail mental status in the middle of the night) husband walk in the door at the end of the day and realizing that not only did I still have on my pj's, hair in a bun, and spit up all over me, but I honestly could not remember if I had ever brushed my teeth that day or not! YUCK!

Leigh Collins said...

Oh, and this spring is the first time in over 4 years that I even gave a hoot about getting a tan! I would have much rather slept than laid in the sun!