Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This Father's Day is extra special this year as we are celebrating Chad as a NEW dad! Summer is in love with her Daddy as you can see in the picture below. She looks at him with adoring eyes and feels secure when he holds her, feeds her and especially when he changes her diaper! At one month old, she loves to rest on his broad shoulder and stay as long as possible.

In addition to being a great Daddy, Chad is also a supportive husband. He is sensitive to my changing hormones (understatement) and willing to take the load off me when I have that look on my face. Plus he can do 40 push ups in a row without stopping to rest, impressive right!

We are thrilled to have Chad's dad, Grandad, spending the weekend with us. It is great for Chad to spend his first Father's Day with his new daughter and dad. It is obvious where Chad gets his Baby Whisperer skills...Doug can soothe Miss Summer right to sleep.

Here is a great video of Doug telling us how he does it.
Best of Intentions...Dad, Larry and all you graduates, I have been intending to mail these gifts to you all week. As you can see they are still on my kitchen counter. This in no way is a reflection of how much I care for you or how important you are in our lives. Actually, it has taken me 3 outings to get to this point. Hopefully it will be worth the wait. You should receive your package sometime later this week. Thanks for loving me enough to understand:)


MIMI said...

Happy Father's Day to the Martin men! The pictures are precious! What a difference 1 year has made and will make.
Love to all,

susan said...

Jana-This is a beautiful tribute to our son and very well stated! And you are all that to him. What a proud Dad and Granddad those pics
show off! And little precious Summer looks so content in their arms. Thanks as always for sharing and Happy Father's Day to the most important men in my life! I love you all, Susan

Larry said...

Just when I thought I'd seen the best pic yet Summer strikes a pose that melts all hearts. Good to see Doug enjoying his stay. I wish I was there...

Rachel said...

I LOVE that Summer and Chad are both wearing white. What a great photo. You are doing a terrific job, Jana documenting all of these special moments. Also, I'm quite taken aback at how much Chad looks like his dad! What a wonderful family. Peace and love indeed.