Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer - 5 weeks

Summer is 5 weeks old today!
I was taking her 1 month old picture and tried to get her positioned on her own BUT...she needs my assistance to sit up straight!

She slept in the Miracle Blanket last night for the first time and it was a MIRACLE! She slept for 4 hour stretches and I was thrilled with that. I can only imagine that with a bit of time she will extend to 6+ hours like the website states. The blanket didn't move at all in the night which is good as her regular blankets sometimes are all over the place by the time she wakes up.

I would show a picture however there isn't a chance that I am going to wake her with the flash once she is wrapped and ready for bed.

At 5 weeks old, Summer loves for her Mommy and Daddy to hold her. She would prefer that we do this 24/7 however we are trying to set her down at times. It is a debated question whether you can hold too much or not at this age. At this time, I am going to hold her for a few minutes then put her down...meeting her need but trying not to exceed it. I will ask the other moms in my Thursday class how they handle this.

We are still waiting for her to smile at us intentionally. There may have been a smirk here and there but not a full blown I love you smile. Weeks 3 & 4 were especially hard for us as she began to communicate (cry) with us. We are seeing some improvement and hope that our second month of life gets sweeter.

She is growing everyday. This week Chad and I noticed that her baby hairs around her forehead have disappeared within a 24 hour timeframe. Seeing that kind of change is truly amazing! Her sweet hands and feet are gigantic (as you can see in the car seat picture below). Her fingers are long and stretch apart like mine do.

Here is a comparison of Summer in her car seat; week 1 vs. week 5.

Oh and this is a cute car seat picture from our Mommy class last Thursday.


MIMI said...

Dear Martin Family,
Little Summer is "growin like a weed"--and sweeter looking every time I see her. I just told Larry that I would give a million dollars (which I do not have,but if I did) to see her everyday. She is a DOLL baby!!!
I love you!
Yeah for the MIRACLE BLANKET!!!

Maggie Pelton said...

Since I'm not a first time mom anymore, I can tell you with certainty, you cannot hold her too much! Keep on enjoying her.

Dad/Doug/Grandad said...

We are soooo glad the Miracle Blanket worked! Peace & Love, Dad/Doug/Grandad

Margaret Worrell said...

I am so glad the Miracle Blanket helped! It really helped us start getting some decent sleep! Maybe you will start getting 6 hours soon!


Gramma said...

sounds like the miracle blanket is exactly that-a miracle! hope it continues to give you and Summer and Chad more rest. YEAH!!!!! Gramma

Larry said...

Weighing in on holding. Before Summer the Martin house had a "holding pattern" - each other and the dogs. Balance is possible again. Rest and hugs, Larry