Friday, June 5, 2009

Waiting for a smile

It is hard to catch Summer smiling (don't hold your breath you won't see one in this post) but nonetheless we will film and photo in hopes.
I purchased a baby bjorn carrier today and so far Summer seems to like it. I feel free with two hands. I was able to cut potatoes and carry her at the same time:)
You can have the head support up or folded down (as shown).


MIMI said...

We all got the SMILE that really counts to Summer, and that's her mommy's SMILE! You and Chad are keeping her very content and happy--what more could a baby ask for. Now she'll be traveling around everywhere right by her Mommy or Daddy in the baby born. Do you think it might be too soon for Chad to strap her on for a mountain bike ride? Ha!Ha!
Thanks for making my day!!

mook said...

Love the baby bjorn!!! Comes in so handy when you need your hands!!!