Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer - 3 Weeks

The other night, I had been asleep for 2 hours when I began to hear Summer cooing. Luckily she is a slow waker like her mother and she will coo for a few minutes before any action is required. In my sleep deprived state of mind...I grab the monitor and begin caressing it in bed AS IF me rubbing the monitor was soothing her in some way! As you can imagine, the caressing of the monitor didn't make the noise stop and eventually I realized that I wasn't holding a baby in bed with me and that I needed to get up. Later in the morning, when normal people are awake, I remembered this and thought it was hilarious! In fact, I think a lot of things I do these days are hilarious. Like the projectile poop at 3am...hilarious, right?

Summer is 3 weeks old today. She lost her umbilical cord yesterday, yeah! She is drinking 3.5 ounces per feeding and sleeps approximately 3 hours per nap. Daddy is the master feeder. She drinks the most when daddy is feeding her the bottle. He also is the master burper and can change a diaper at lightening speed. Mommy just gave birth to her and gets up with her in the crazy hours, no biggy!

I am a detail oriented person and Chad is a data kind of person. Together we have put Summer's every move into an Excel spreadsheet and we have graphed out her eating and sleeping cycles to analyze how they coorelate. The graph is in its final tweaking stage then I will post for your viewing pleasure. I guess that gives it away that we are first time parents. I doubt people do this for their second child.

Summer is beginning to have more awake time periods. At 3 weeks she has one good awake time per day lasting approximately 2 hours. I have been a little confused as to what to do during these times as I feel more confident when she is sleeping. However, we go for a walk, sit outside for a few minutes, do a few minutes of tummy time or sit in the bounce seat and stare at the mobile.
Summer and Jim

I did a photo shoot with Summer this week and took over 80 photos trying to get a few good ones to blow up and frame and to use for her birth announcements. I ended up with some great ones. However, until I send out the announcements I will not be sharing the jackpot photo. Sorry, but here are some great ones that didn't make the cut.


MIMI said...

I can't wait to see what Summer's personality is going to be! With a mixture of her Mom and Dad, I am sure she will be "Awesome". She definitely has the "looks" on her side--like an Angel. Wow! how blessed we are!
Chad, I'm so proud of you, but I KNEW that she was going to be a "Daddy's Girl" from the start!

lisa said...

i think we are the only ones without photos. we will have to make sure we don't forget or it will be here wedding before our love for summer is documented in a photo!

Jen said...

Jay just called & told me the story about the monitor! THANKS for making him laugh so hard he spit coffee out and ruin ANOTHER shirt! I think we may need to invest in a bib for Uncle Bud. We are down at least 2 good work shirts a week these days! All of Summer's pictures are gorgeous! I have no idea how you pick one from those. I'd have to do a colllage or something. She is so sweet & I can't wait to hold her!
Aunt Jen

jay said...


The monitor story did make me ruin a shirt. I was not ready for that and spit my coffee all over myself. I feel like Summer and I have alot in common. I can't wait to see which pics you picked out because they are so cute. Thanks for keeping us so up to date.

jay said...

Oh ya. Tell Chad I can't wait to see that data set either.

Doug/Grandad said...

Make sure the chart has colorful graphics and in 4 dimensions for proper analysis. Also, please put words to it so we can understand it and know what to do with it. I'd like to share it with everybody else in our company and especially "you know who". The pictures of Summer are priceless!
Love, Dad/Doug/Granddad/Whomever!

mook said...

The new pics of Summer are adorable! Can't wait to see the money shot. Thank you for keeping us so entertained!!!

Larry said...

Such great pics we have them displayed all over the house!

Anonymous said...

Your dad gave us your blog address and I have enjoyed reading all about you, Chad and Summer. It makes for great entertainment reading how you handle being a first time parent. You were always such a joy to be around when you were younger. You are a wonderful mom. The pictures are beautiful.
Tina Crocker

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm herpussy is still nice n fresh I would love to lick it

Anonymous said...

i want my tongue up in her ass