Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer - 4 weeks

Summer is now 4 weeks (2 days late) old. She and I went to the New Mommy Support Group at the Hospital today and she weighed in at 7 lb 15 oz. She has gained about 1 pound per week since her 2 week appointment. I learned that she should be eating her weight times 2.5 or 2.7 if she is under weight, which she is. So we are about on track with our feedings. She is eating a little less than 4 oz per bottle. I also learned that the times when we fed her 4 oz then she acted hungry again and we fed her ANOTHER 4 oz that we were misinterpreting her needs. The nurse said she does not need to eat 8 oz at one time that it will stretch her tummy out, rather she needs to suck on a pacifier. So we will try that next time.
Speaking of sucking here is a video of Summer chillin' and trying to find her thumb.

Summer was good during the class. She slept in my arms. There were about 20 moms with babies there and it was neat to see and hear their different concerns and perspectives. I realized that my feelings and concerns are normal. Overall it was good and I will try to go every week. Surprisingly getting to the hospital by 10am was harder than I thought...and I didn't even shower! It is almost a guarantee that I will be a little late just about everywhere I go these days. I mean, I have always struggled with being on time so adding a "good reason" to the mix only makes it more likely for me to be

We took this video yesterday. Hopefully our weather is improving for Father's Day weekend as it has rained just about everyday for the past 3 weeks. I didn't realize how windy it was until after I watched the clip. Sorry Summer if you felt blasted.


MIMI said...

Happy 4 weeks Birthday, Summer!!
MIMI loves you!

Gramma said...

I love the cherry bombs on her! and I really like this particular video-it shows a lot of different expressions. O h, I just want to hold her so close to me and feel her breathing and her little chest moving and hear her soft cooing sounds. Please tell her Gramma says Happy 1st month B'day, Summer Marie! and I know you will totally steal your Grandad's heart today! I love you and your Mommy and Daddy so much! Gramma

The Powells said...

Her eyes are beautiful and you are a great mommy! Hang in there, I promise things get easier!!

The Powells said...

Her eyes are beautiful and you are a great mommy! Hang in there, I promise things get easier!!