Thursday, June 4, 2009

Backyard Outing

Ok, I understand I am a posting fool these days BUT there is just so much I want to share.
Here is a video of Summer and me on a make believe trip to the zoo!


mook said...

Those are some WILD animals in your zoo! That was cute that one licked Summer's toes! Glad you are having fun being a mommy. Keep up the good work and it didn't take you long to figure out that you don't have to be perfect! But you are the perfect one for Summer! Love you bunches! Mook

MIMI said...

I can't wait for you to one day see these videos. Your Mommy is so creative!!! She is totally entertaining so many of us who are tuned in for each daily adventure. I love watching you!! You are a STAR! Those zoo animals are amazing.

Larry said...

You both need to be in film! I love a good action flick...