Today I found myself walking around the neighborhood wearing a cotton maternity sundress, tennis shoes and a ponytail cocked sideways from sleeping! Worst didn't bother me!
- Will there be a day when I care about my looks again?
- Will I get to shower on a regular basis?
- Will I ever choose to tan in the sun over taking a nap?
- I have curly hair and it is pretty forgiving when it comes to style...I've probably snuck a dirty hair day by you once or twice without you noticing.
- I don't know anyone in our neighborhood.
- Oh yes...and I have a BEAUTIFUL daughter who will one day soon smile at me and make it all worthwhile! I say that only because we have been battling tears in our waking hours. It seems that when she is awake she is on the verge of crying. I don't think it is colic as she IS consolable. I think she is just so SMART that she gets board easily and therefore is constantly telling us we need to challenge her more:)
Tell me your stories...was there a moment when you realized your priorities had changed? Let's laugh together!
By the way, sleeping is improving. She has been sleeping in 4 hour stretches this week and she easily goes down after her 10pm and 2am feedings! Actually last night she slept for a 5 hour stretch and a 4 hour stretch. That is awesome and I am thrilled with her progress.
I took a video of Summer waking up from her nap yesterday and she was so happy BUT of course something happened with my video upload and I can't share it. However, I was able to take a snapshop from the video (a new tool I am starting to use) of a SMILE.
FYI - I figured out the formating of the picture uploads. When I browse to upload the photos there is an option on the pop up window for indent and the size of the picture. That was just a natural step that I wasn't even looking at the settings.