Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mother Nature

Mother Nature decided to blow into town and take out two of our trees in the front yard. Thanks MN, as if I had nothing else I needed to get done today!
Here is our sweet tree leaning on his brother.
And like a horse that has a bad leg, the brother tree had to be cut down too because it was leaning.
Luckily the guy who is buying our house works at a plant nursery so hopefully he will be able to replace them without too much cost.
I just walked out there and put my foot on the stump and I almost felt like I was touching a grave. Those where healthy trees that just got blindsided by a gust of wind and didn't have strong enough roots to protect them. Similarly, this can happen in our lives. We need to make sure our roots are strong in faith and family so we can stand tall when the winds of life blow real hard. Deep thoughts by Jana Martin.


MIMI said...

Jana Marie,
I am thankful for your STRONG ROOT SYSTEM--Mother Nature watch out for Mother Martin!!
Another day in the adventure of the Martins!
I am so thankful that NO damage was done to the house or THE MARTINS!!!
Love to ALL,

mook said...

So excited about your move! Hope your sale went well on Saturday! Be safe on your journey east and we look forward to hooking up with you guys around the holidays! Love what you said about roots and the storms of are so right! Love you Jan!