Saturday, October 10, 2009

Big Girl

Look at how our big our baby is getting!
She used to be an infant that just laid around and wanted to be bounced. Now she is a baby that can smile, babble, control her arm movements (somewhat), eats rice cereal, rolls over both ways, bends her knees like she is stepping and much much more.
Summer started eating rice cereal last weekend and I have been meaning to upload this video. This portion was taken about 5 minutes into the first meal when she had a nice mush mask covering her face. As you will see she wasn't really sure what Mommy and Daddy were doing to her. One week into eating and there really isn't much change. She doesn't act like she likes the taste so we may switch to oatmeal in a week or so.


MIMI said...

Big Girl,
PLEASE DON'T GROW UP TOO FAST. MIMI wants to enjoy each stage of your babyhood. You are so BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! I also need to tell Momma to look at your blog, she would be so happy that you use the blanket she made. That is it, isn't it? Can't wait for you guys to be closer!