Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Last (6 yr Anniversary) Supper

This year our Wedding Anniversary just so happened to be the day before our moving truck arrived. Our amazing Reno friends (that is what you will be called now) cooked the Thanksgiving Feast (out of this month's Real Simple) in honor of our last meal while we are Reno residents.
In cleaning out our closets I found the unity candle that we lit at our wedding and brought it for a little ambiance! Honestly I was going to throw it away but after this fond memory I have decided to keep it and burn it every year and we can think about this fun day...oh and that other fun day that joined us for life!

Jim and Rachel - yall are the sweetest couple! Jim was a super fun coworker to have and I will have many funny memories of he, Lisa and I joking around in the Placemaking office. And boy am I glad that he proposed to and married Rachel! She is truly one of the most thoughtful friends I know...and so cute and witty!

The hostess, Lisa - a great friend who always makes you laugh and who is true to herself! It is refreshing talking to Lisa as we can just say it how it is. Lisa would give you her last enchilada if you needed it. Oh, by the way, I just realized this sounded like I was giving up my friendships with these people...I am not! I just won't see them in person on a regular basis.
Rachel and I were doing our best to make Lisa's fanny packs look fashionable but the final decision is still up in the air. I mean they are made of cute material...and they are functional in an airport but they are still a fanny pack. To be determined?
Summer and her boyfriends, Nico and Ethan. They are so sweet to her. They were in Target and saw a cute girl outfit and told their mom they wanted to get it for Summer. Sure enough they did and I can't wait for her to wear it next Fall. These boys may end up in the fashion industry, never know, they have an eye for style!
Philip, Chad and Summer, Jim - I do have to say that Summer will probably miss Philip the most! Philip has such a love for kids that it is easy to detect and I think that is why Summer feels so at ease with him. Philip, in his second career, will be a major music executive; performing, mixing and directing Ethan. He made some cds for Chad's cross country drive that are landscape that's a music executive!
Nico couldn't give Summer enough hugs
Ethan wanted to hold Summer. Then we put him to work and shortly after he said he was done.
Thanks Reno it was fun! See you sometime during the ski season.


the crazy armstrongs said...

Happy Anniversary!!! love you guys!

Lisa said...

so fun! thanks to you two for such a great 4 years! cant wait for our wine drinking spa retreat somewhere in the middle of america!

Jay said...


I know that while there is joy here in Alabama that you, Chad, and Summer will be closer to family here in the South, it is also very tough to leave your wonderful friends and city that you have loved for the past years. We are so thankful for the wonderful friends that you have made in Reno. Thnak you all to Jim and Rachel, Lisa and Philip and Ethan and Nico and the wonderful friends that they have been. Also thanks to Kallie and to Matt for their friendships. I know that the Martin's will miss you greatly. You all have been a blessing to us. Thank you again.

Uncle Bud

Gramma said...

HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY! I bet this is one you won't forget, huh? Cheers to all the super friends you've got there in Reno.

Hugs and kisses,


Maggie Pelton said...

I was just making out my T-Day menu (yes I'm a dork, like you) and was going to try several of hte Real Simple menu items. they all looked/sounded so good. Give me the scoop on how all of them were and which ones are worth making/or not.

Jana said...

Hey Julia,
I didn't make any of the dishes so I can't comment on the process but their was a broccoli gruyer (however you spell that fancy cheese)casserole that was very tasty.
The fact that you are planning your Thanksgiving meal now is EXACTLY why people want to eat at your house! Be proud to be a planning dork.