Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Rock the Boat

Well I messed with a good thing and this is what I got.
Wide Eyed Summer at 4 AMShe has officially mastered getting her arms out of the Miracle Blanket and therefore her hands are getting cold in the night. I have heard great things about the Halo sleep sacks so I went to get one. In the sleep sack there are arm holes but it is a fleece blanket that keeps her warm and is zipped on so it can't get pulled over her face. I thought it might be a good step up from the swaddling MB. Well, the arms out didn't work as she got startled and immediately cried when I laid her down so I put one arm out and one arm in.

Let me tell you that I was flabergasted when I heard her crying at 11pm. 11 PM!! She typically doesn't wake up until 3-4 AM. I tried to soothe her and let her go back to sleep but she was crying like a mad woman so I went back in there and fed her. This time I wasn't messing around...I wrapped her in the miracle blanket but I also zipped her inside the sleep sack for warmth. That brings us to 4:30 am...arms out of the MB (typical) and she was frustrated as she couldn't get them to her mouth because of the sleep sack. Fun times, right?

By the way, we do have the heat on in the house and Chad and I are comfortable but if her little hands aren't wrapped up they get cold...maybe she just needs to sleep in mittens.

Changing subjects: She hung out yesterday morning in her flower costume. Honestly if she cries or poops with those little petals around her head it is still the cutest thing.

There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping flower in your arms.

By the way, have you seen those new cameras that have a screen on the front as well as the back. That way you can take photos of yourself and actually see if you are even in the frame. That seems like a great invention!

1 comment:

MOM said...

It would be difficult to be anything but THRILLED to wake up to such a BEAUTIFUL WIDE-EYED sweetheart!!! She will get her routine back to sleeping soundly. I do hope you get better rest tonight.