Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Summer Marie - 5 Months

Let the reminiscing begin!
Once upon a time there was a sweet baby girl named Summer Marie. To our pleasant surprise she came into the world 3.5 weeks early on May 20, 2009. Before we knew it we were celebrating her 1 month Birthday.
Much to our dismay, our sweet baby girl was gone and replaced with this cute crying girl.
Look who came knockin'. Our sweet baby girl was no longer possessed and all was well again at 3 months.
And she grew taller and stronger and more lovable!
Until one day she reached 5 months old and at that point Mommy and Daddy decided that she just couldn't get any cuter than this very moment.
Side Note: Summer just woke up in this photo and is still a little groggy.
Summer has already mastered puckering her bottom lip out and now she is trying a new skill - holding it in. She has been doing this all week long so I figured I needed to document it.
Just chillin' with Mom while she washes my bottles...think I will play with these coffee pot switches.
Future Homemaker of America
Here is a list of Summer's likes and dislikes.
  • Rice cereal - although she sometimes tries to talk while I am feeding her and I have to make sure I am not wearing anything dry clean only. At 5 months I still think a messy face is cute.
  • Exersaucer - she swivels around in the seat enjoying all of the toys surrounding her. She always turns clockwise, wonder if that means anything.
  • Diaper Change - go figure she likes this and she often laughs at me on the table. I always "air out her stinky hiney" by faning her with the diaper before I put it on and she loves it.
  • Lights - she has always liked looking at lights but now she has noticed some of the lights from electronics...like the light on the coffee pot that blinks self clean that I cannot seem to make go away.
  • Stuffed Doggy - she has this one toy that is a yellow dog and she loves it.
  • Putting things in her mouth - I was pulling out my diaper coupons in Walmart the other day and she grabbed them and started eating
  • Baby's First Sounds DVD - LOVES this DVD and I am convinced her first word will either start with a B or Dog. She smiles and laughs at the sheep that go Baaa.
  • Laying down - occasionally she will play on the playmat happily but mostly she likes to sit up in her exersaucer.
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - she loves Baby's First Sounds DVD but when Twinkle Twinkle comes on (4 times in different languages) she cries every time!
  • The car seat has actually improved. I always turn the Sleep Sheep on and she listens to the water sounds and eats its arms which translates into less crying in the car.
  • We have stopped swaddling! That's right, the Miracle Blanket was awesome but she started waking up because she was maneuvering her way out of it. It only took a night or two to get adjusted to the Sleep Sack and she has slept well ever sense. She sleeps about 10 hours every night (6:30pm - 4:30am) then I feed her and she goes back down for another 2 hours. I know you may suggest that I put her to sleep later than 6:30 but she is so tired then that I can't keep her awake and it just works well for our schedule.
Dogs - Summer now notices the dogs more, Lucy in particular (its kind of hard when she is trying to lick your face). If we are close enough she will touch Lucy and grab a handful of her hair. Summer opens and closes her hand on her hair, not ripping it out. Sampson only wants to see her on his terms. He will go sniff her in her exersaucer (and hit the piano key with his nose and it makes noise - talented dog) but other than that he doesn't want her to approach him (he doesn't like people coming to his face).
Surprisingly there is no 5 month Birthday cake as this mother is trying to lose those last 6-ish baby pounds. Don't get carried away, I am not exercising or anything crazy folks, just not making cakes and brownies for the time being. Basically I am praying that the weight will miraculously fall off my body. I think I'm skinny. I think I'm skinny...isn't that what The Secret said would work?


Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

She is so adorable!!!! 5 months is one of my favorite ages! Enjoy it!!!

Jada said...

I am enjoying your blog so much. Summer is THE cutest! It is amazing how she is changing with every post!

Good luck with your move. I know it will be "challenging" but will be so worth it...NC is so beautiful.

mook said...

I am still hoping those last 6-ish or so pounds will magically fall off of my body too! LOL At least you are young~ I am sure it will be off in no time. Just about the time I got back to a good weight after Merritt, I got pregnant again. (Merritt was 17 months old) Just remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight, it won't go away overnight, but you look great in your pics! Summer is looking cuter as the months go by. Can't belive how fast it is going!

aunt jen said...

I have the most adorable niece ever! You are getting so big Summer and I just can't wait to see you in 6 days! BTW...I think this is the first time I've beat Mimi to a post :)

Jana said...

Oh my, Mimi didn't check the blog before school this morning and boy is she behind!
Jada- I am glad that you are keeping up with Miss Summer. We will have to try to see you in person next week.

MIMI said...

OK,Better late than never! Happy 5 month old Birthday, Summer Marie. Don't worry, MIMI will make you a cake when you get home to ALABAMA--and anything else you want. How about some good rice cereal? I'm also counting the days and CAN"T wait to see you both!!!