Friday, January 23, 2009

Names Names Names

Who knew picking a name for your unborn child would be so difficult!
I have been looking at the computer for 5 days straight searching page after page for the perfect name to hit me. Then once it does it has to hit Chad too. So far we have struck out. Either I don't like it or he doesn't like it or we already know someone by that name or it is too common.
It is starting to depress me. Last night I woke up at 2am and went and searched online until 3:30am...I would have been awake anyways might as well make the time useful.
Do you think I am supposed to immediately know "that is the name!" or will I have to talk myself into it?
Once again, please keep sending us your suggestions they really do help.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should both write 5-10 top names on a piece of paper(without the other seeing your list), then compare and see if any one name is the same or near the same. Then take that one. It will happen, don't stress. AND GET YOUR SLEEP!!

mook said...

Your mom has a great idea! I think Mallory Marie Martin is cute, but I am sure whatever you decide will be wonderful. Your cousin could always come up with some way the kids would tease our child about the name. It is hard!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the website Nymbler? It takes names you already like and gives you suggestions on others. This is the fun part! Keep positive. The perfect name for your perfect angel will come eventually.