Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Under the Weather

Could it be teething? 6 inches of snow? exposure to other kids in the nursery? reaction to her 9 month shot?
Whatever the cause, Summer is showing cold like symptoms; congested yet runny nose, fatigue yet lack of sleep, irritability and clinginess.
However I do have to say that yesterday during all of this, snow included, we had a great day. We stayed in our pajamas and just loved on each other. I attempted to fold clothes on the floor with her in my lap and she just crawled up my shoulder clinging to me like she was giving me a hug. That was one of the best moments as being a mother so far!
This is what Summer looked like most of the day.
Here is a smile I squeezed out of her. Amazing how funny she thinks I am when I eat one of her crackers.

And since Sampson is high chair height there is quite a bit of "sharing" that goes on.


Grammy said...

Bless her little heart. She looks like she doesn't feel 100%. Grammy and Papa will say a prayer for her and her parents that need rest too. We love ya'll. Hope she feels better soon.

GRAMMA said...

awww, she does look like she is feeling her normally very happy self. I'm sorry for all of you, well, except Sampson! hugs...

GRAMMA said...

whoops, I left out one very important word-NOT. that is, she does look like she is NOT feeling her normally very happy self! lesson here: proofread (but problem is, I forget!)

MIMI said...

I can tell by looking at her eyes that she doesn't feel great. I am so thankful that you have the opportunity to stay at home with her when she feels like this and you can experience those "little moments" like you had today. Hopefully this will pass soon--I'm thinking that it is the teething, but it could be ALL of the things you mentioned.
Hope tomorrow will see an improvement.

Papa said...

Could be teething, cold weather, infectious kids...or, it could be she was trying to tell you how much she wished her Papa could come and see her! Ok, that was just wishful (and selfish) thinking on my part. Hope you both begin feeling well very soon!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm her little tushy is looking nice