Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Healthy Update

Ok I am wrapping up day 3 of my new healthy life and I feel good.
Different from all my previous "get fit" attempts, I am not following any fad diet program or exercise regimine. Instead, each of my meals contain a protein, carb and vegetable. I don't feel deprived and therefore I haven't had any cravings.
My workout is currently a fast walk/occasional jog at the park for 1 hour. I push Summer in the stroller and she falls asleep immediately...perfect for the both of us. The path is paved a portion and natural the other. It is really is a nice place to spend my time.
Here we are on our walk today.
Here are my meals today.
Breakfast - Yes these eggs look gross but that is because they are "dirty" with flavor. I sauteed onions, artichokes and mushrooms into the omelete.
Lunch (not pictured) - Chick fil A charbroiled chicken sandwich with a side salad
Dinner - Tilapia with a Mango sauce over Jasmine rice with a refreshing salad
Dessert - Chocolate graham crackers with milk
Summer loves me and she says mama all the time! In fact she loves me so much that at times she only wants to be in my arms. However, I cannot always hold her when I am preparing meals in the kitchen. Most of her meltdowns are on the kitchen floor. This morning I heard her whinning while I was mixing together her food. I turned around and she was fussing but laying her head down on the floor...sweet right.
Well she continued to fuss and I continued to take photos. We eventually made it to this facial expression.
For all of you who are on the bandwagon with me, I hope that you have eaten right and made time to exercise today.
In my Bible study this week I have been focused on the lesson of Martha and Mary from Luke 10:38. It was our lesson at church on Sunday and I took from it that I need to try to not be a Martha. So often I fill my days with all the little stuff (like Martha did). Instead I need to set my priorities straight and act like Mary.
Talk to yall soon!


Grammy said...

Looks like you are doing great! Summer is so cute. Next week you can teach her to say MiMi. I know ya'll will have a great vist.

MIMI said...

I'll come pick you up RIGHT NOW, Summer! Be a Mary, Mom, and take the time for the most important things (not busying yourself too much like Martha). I can relate to Martha also because she thought that what she was doing was showing her love and appreciation to Jesus for raising her brother, Lazarus, from the dead.
We need to be both Marys and Marthas--
Love you,