Thursday, March 4, 2010

When Life Beats You Down

You know, this week has been tough physically for me since I am caring for Summer who isn't feeling well. And to top it off there was a poor choice of words made by a stranger today that really knocked me down. I am typically not a sensitive person but since I was already weak it didn't take much. It was one of those things where they don't know me and therefore weren't intentional but still got me feeling lousy. My first reaction was to take it out on someone else, honestly. Instead I bit my tongue and decided that before I go to bed I would check and see what scripture might turn my bad attitude around.
I do feel guilty that I look for guidance from God when things aren't going my way and yet don't give him enough praise on the good, or even "ok" days. I mean I do say thanks in my prayers but I don't go seeking scripture verses on how happy I am. I hope to use this blog as a way to help myself improve in that area.

So on the odd chance that you might be feeling similar to me, here is a verse to encourage us both: John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Notes from my Bible: Jesus ' promise of abundant life, which begins in the here and now....
I want to stop right there and ponder on that. So often I consider the reward for being a Christian is eternity in Heaven(far far away). But here I see that his promise to me is in this moment-today. The Bible is telling me I can have life abundantly right now. Well, yes I could see that being possible if I stripped down some of these earthly thoughts, feelings, actions that I do daily. So why don't I?
Interesting realization, in the morning when I am at my best my thought process is all about what I can do by myself. Yet in the evening when I am beat down by the day and realize I am weak, it is then that I have to look beyond myself. However, the cycle continues and I will wake up tomorrow thinking "I" can do it all. And that my friends is why you should do a Bible study in the morning and not at night. That way you can act on it throughout the day.
Someone hold my hand...I am stepping down off my soapbox.
The end.


The Reeds said...

Love this post Jana! Praying for you tonight!

Grammy said...

There is no soap box there when you are sharing your heart. abundant life here means exceedingly more or above what we could ever think. He has a plan for us, not to hurt us but to prosper us. Jeremiah 29:11 but the next verse says we will find God when we seek Him with our whole heart. We are human enough to only want to give Him part of our heart.
You are a wonderful example of God's love to Summer. Unconditonal, devoted, patient love. Your love for her is abundant,& overflowing.That is how Christ loves us. I love you Jana.

MIMI said...

MIMI is saying AMEN AMEN AMEN!! You have such a way of opening up the truth and making it so easy to understand. Well, God is using you to do that! It happens to us all and that is the way God made us--to need him. Just like Summer needs you!
I read this today and love it!
God is crazy about you. If He had a refrigerator, you would be on it. If He had a wallet, your picture would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He listens. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart....
Face it, He's crazy about you.

Simple, but AMAZING!
Thanks for the GREAT start to my day, Jan,
Love you,

aunt jen said...

Thank you for reminding us that we all are flawed. Ironically my devotional today is titled Beyond Anger.James 1:19-20 Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Mimi I'm looking forward to Him sending us some flowers!

GRAMMA said...

thank you for the great post! I love you, Jana.....

Kara B. Oliver said...

I really needed to hear this Jana. Thanks for sharing.

Larry said...

Eternal values claimed today. When I got home last night your mother's very first words..."you have to read Jana's blog." You and your mom couldn't be more right. - Larry