Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sweet Love

Today was the first time I can remember my baby girl falling asleep in my arms since she was a small infant. Summer is typically to excited to get down and play and just can't seem to allow herself to relax in your arms enough to fall asleep...until today when she did it twice for 1 hour each.
I loved every minute of it.
Mimi and Grando are visiting for spring break while Chad is in Mexico and we are having fun. We haven't been good about taking photos but will get on it tomorrow.
Summer has been standing unassisted alot the past couple of days. Here she is caught in the act.


Grammy said...

That is the sweetest thing when her head is on your shoulder. Hope you all have a great visit! by the way, this is the day that I start eating healthier. I had special K in fat free milk for breakfast instead of my usual 4 chocolate chip cookies.loee you

Margaret Worrell said...

Owen won't let us hold him much these days either. That is such a sweet picture of you and Summer. I gladly sit and rock him any time he will let me! He is usually too busy exploring to let me hold him!