Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Fresh Start

I'm doing it! I am putting it out there for all of you to know.
Yes, I am starting (as of yesterday) to eat right and exercise. (That sentence wasn't fun to write.)
AND, I am starting a daily personal Bible study.
For me, I have always felt that both my spiritual and physical health go hand in hand. In both situations I have a good idea of what I need to do to be "healthy" yet I struggle with putting them into practice.
As far as weight loss, I haven't put a number on how many pounds I want to lose. Mainly I just want to fit comfortably in my spring clothes from pre-pregnancy (around 10 lbs).
When temptation hits (2-5pm) I will use my spiritual strenght to dig deep and pull out some...what's that word...oh yeah, "will power."
One of my strenghts is that I can be a pretty good motivator. If you want to join me in this challenge let me know and we can hold each other accountable.

Summer is still congested. The crud seems to have moved from her head to her chest. I am going to call the doctor today to see what I should be watching for in order to make sure this doesn't progress.
Sweet Daddy and Daughter
Gramma and Grandad came to visit this weekend and here are a few pictures. Check out Chad's reflection in the door acting goofy to get a smile.
And here is a cute fabric flower I made this weekend. I am brainstorming on decorating ideas for Summer's room and they include many of these cute flowers.


aunt jen said...

Summer sure looks like she feels good with her Gramma & Grandad! Hope the crud moves out soon! I would love to join you in the weight loss challenge! I have 15 to shed myself! Jay & I are trying to eat good & I have been walking, but need to step it up a few notches.

Grammy said...

ok I am starting Monday. You may ask why Monday? Well right now we are in a hotel until they finish our hardwood floors and I have a gross test on Friday. Jana and Jennifer call me and make sure I start!!!!!I love to talk about losing weight but I hate trying to do it. I can not bring myself to type how much I need to shed. But I can tell you I have never weighed this much in my life, even when I was pregnant. My goal is to be able to wear my new Grammy t-shirt I bought at a craft show and still breathe. STill praying for Summer to be 100% love yall

MIMI said...

Just finished eating ice cream right out of the box (don't tell Larry--he thinks that's terrible), When you do it that way, you know that you must have only eaten 1/2 cup-HA! And today for lunch, I had mashed potatoes (at school they are always floating in butter). Now I MUST join the group. I am just not making healthy choices and IT'S TIME to change. Can anyone out there really HELP me? I tell myself that I am going to write down everything I eat, but I'm NOT! I keep making excuses--OK it's OVER. The time is RIGHT and spring pants from last year just are too tight. I'm in THE CLUB. It's easy to start now!! I just finished my ICE CREAM!!!
Summer looks too happy to be sick. Can't wait to see her next week.

Jana said...

Mom you get a free pass for eating a tub of ice cream since you have laringitus (sp?). I am sure that ice cream is a remedy for a sore throat. However, once your health improves you will be held to a higher standard:)

Grammy-I didn't know yall were in a hotel. The weekend is always a good time to get pumped up before a more strict eating plan. Hope your test isn't too uncomfortable.

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Jana, for some reason I lost your blog on my blog roll and am just catching up after a long hiatus!! Summer has gotten so big and is adorable as always!!! I have been slowly trying to eat better and become more disciplined in my time with God. I would love to be your partner! I need some accountability! I am going on a spring break trip next week, but after that I am all for jumping on your bandwagon so I can fit into all my cute spring clothes!

GRAMMA said...

Jana-thanks for the pep talk this morning. After verbalizing everything I feel more motivated to exercise and now I think I have found a way that I will do it. Wii! Yep , thanks for sharing about it. I'm going to WalMart to get one. I gotta get rid of my bat wings and saddle bags--

aunt jen said...

Ok, I'm officially a horrible daighter in law! I had no idea Mimi had laryngitis or that Grammy was in a hotel!