Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Unloading my mind

Alright...seems as if I have all of these thoughts that I haven't been able to share because everytime I do my little shadow comes over and opens my desk drawers and starts to pull out and tear important information...and when her eyes close I rush around doing all things impossible while those eyes are open.

So here is my list of things I have been meaning to tell you...
  • Our big buddy, Sampson, is having health issues. We rushed him to the animal hospital Sunday night thinking he might have bloat but turned out not. He seems back to normal but something, probably major, is wrong with him.
  • Summer is going through a MAJOR clingy stage. She literally melts into the floor when you put her down. It makes me feel like a bad mother when others observe this as "I caused this problem."
  • I stopped using mousse and aerosal hairspray and my thin hair seems fuller. I have used those products for oh, half my life.
  • I have a urge to train for a 1/2 marathon after hearing of so many people I know running one in Nashville this past weekend. I tried to run 3 miles yesterday and fell short at 2.2.
  • Summer is wearing Christmas pajamas in April.
  • I have started using Cetaphil face wash and really like it. A esthetician told me it was the best store bought product because of its mild ph levels (or something like that).
  • The post office offers Abstract Expressionists Stamps which I think are SO cool. Most of you will see one from me soon.
  • The JCREW warehouse is having another major sale this weekend if anyone wants me to look for something send me your clothing type, size and color and I will search. Everything is under $20.
  • I am terrible at geography. I blame it on my high school but I guess I could have paid more attention...nah, it was probably the teacher!
  • I rarely ever iron and that plays a factor into what I buy and wear.
  • Happy Anniversary Leslie and Jeff!
  • Happy Birthday Bud!!

Ok, I think that gets alot of my mind.
Here are some pictures

"Why does Mommy keep putting all my stuff in here?"

This is Summer's BUSTED face. Let me show you what I mean...


and BUSTED again!


MIMI said...

Jana, I LOVE your transparency!! But I guess I would since I am your mother. Just let me be transparent by saying that you have helped me so much with that issue. I used to be afraid of what others would think if I "unloaded my mind". But when I hear you do it, I know that it is very endearing to hear someone be so honest about themselves. So I am going to start "unloading" and feel GOOD about it. Are we CRAZY? And you are a VERY GOOD mother--Summer is just going through a very normal stage. You don't see Jay sitting on my hip right now do you? Well, he was the worst about that, but look at him now--totally confident and independent as can be. So just LOVE that baby ALL you want to!!! She'll grow up and be gone before you know it!!

Leslie said...

Thanks for the shout out! :)