Ever since Papa rolled into town my sweet little cutie pie
has developed a "thinking tongue!"
How do I get off this chair? I think and think and think and think and suddenly I know! (no that's not Summer that's Pinky Dinky Do-funny only to me)
I feel skinny folks!
And I have to give a shout out to my wonderful husband, Chad, who is taking over Summer's nighttime feeding, bathing and bedtime 3 nights a week for the next 4 weeks.
I realize that feeling skinny and looking skinny are not related however it feels good. My tummy isn't hanging out as much and my sore muscles make me feel strong! (yeah-flex your muscles to that!). I am going to post my homework assignments for yall but mostly for Jen and Rachel who are both doing bootcamp in their different cities.
Days 1,3,5
- 30 sec jumping jacks
- 15 sit-ups
- 30 sec run in place
- 15 push ups (not using knees just bend your arms as much as you can)
- 30 sec butt kicks
- 25 crunches
- REPEAT 3 times with NO down time in between.
Days 2,4,6
- 45 sec run in place
- 20 front lunges
- 30 sec jumping jacks
- 20 reverse lunges
- 5 squat thrusts
- REPEAT 3 times with NO down time in between
I thought the second set of exercises (2,4,6) were going to be easier but let me tell you that a jumping jack had never been harder immediately after doing 20 lunges...try it out and see for yourself.
Meal plan - folks I have cheated only once...and guess what it was - Brown rice for dinner last night! That's right, brown rice...not really considered cheating as I can have it but just not at dinner time. It turns out it wasn't that satisfying and so I won't be tempted to do that again. The guilt of "cheating" wasn't worth it.Feedback - tell me how yall are doing? I know some of you are eating right and exercising. Jen, you are 2 weeks ahead-are you skinny yet? Rachel-how was your first bootcamp?
Oh, one more thing. I volunteered for the Junior League consignment shop yesterday (great steals by the way) and met this nice lady who was shopping. She said she was "traveling" (I am pretty sure she doesn't have a home) and she was looking for a change of clothes. She picked up these amazing jeans that typically sell for $200 and in perfect condition. At first I was like, dang, I thought I picked up all the great stuff before the store opened. She shopped for a while and then wanted me to help her select what to get. The criteria she wanted me to decide on was what would dry the fastest. She didn't care about fit or color or name brands, simply what would dry overnight. I don't want to put pity on her because I don't think that is right. I simply wanted to interact with her like I would-YOU. So I said, let me see and we went around the store trying to find lightweight pants that were made of a quick dry material...and we did.
Remember next time you see someone less fortunate than you to interact with them like you would one of your friends.
PS - I bought those jeans for skinny Jen!
The thinking tongue means she's "thinking"--and we have to be thankful for that. I am so proud of you girls (and your helpful husbands) for the discipline that it takes to care about your health. Your feelings are more important than your looks anyway!! You all LOOK great already! Can't wait to Jen in her "new jeans"--she's always cute in anything. You are so thoughtful,Jan, to help the lady and treat everyone with respect. I am NOT surprised that you did that.
ok I am sooo proud of ya'll and cheering from the sidelines! If I ever get headache free (it is much better), and dizzy free i may walk again for exercise. I know any jumping jack will make my bladder fall even further and I will trip over it. Sorry TMI. The tongue thing.... oh my goodness...IF it is a thinking thing then I must say Papa is the smartest man in the world! Jana., doesn't it do your heart good to know you helped that sweet lady? God will bless your efforts 3fold. Keep praying for Grammy for I am losing my mind with this headache, age, hormonal phase of my life. Seeing Summer's pics makes everything better.
love to all
Bootcamp in the Ham is going well! Nothing ice & elevation can't cure right? I have a sprained ankle, but pushing thru it & will be attending my 4th week of bootcamp this week. I do feel thiner, definately not skinny. I actually wore a pair of pants today that I have never worn b/c they had been too small & they are actually loose on me : ) I feel soooo much better...stronger physically & mentally. Can't wait to do some push ups with you in May! ha! I plan to do one more session of bootcamp, so my last day will be the day we come see ya'll for Summer's B'day!
BTW, love the thinking tongue...that is so Pappa!
Go Miss Jana go! I'm so proud of you and Jen for your kick booty boot camp progress. Due to work travel, my first boot camp class is actually TONIGHT! I'm nervous, excited and a teeny bit scared of passing out. After the last class I took with this instructor, I could barely move the next day.
I'll be sure to give you an update on how it all goes. Thanks for providing your list of homework. You are totally motivating me!! I'm so impressed. Keep, keep, keep it up! Oh, I need to get little miss sugar plum pumpkin pie a cheerleading outfit so she can cheer on her mama. Sending love and thoughts of healthy boot camp POWER! xxxooo
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