Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One more day

Tomorrow is my last day of Xtreme Bootcamp. I will get weighed and have my body fat measured. I am SO excited to get the results even though I can already feel a difference.
I put on my semi-retired pants yesterday and they fit with NO muffin top! My plan is to continue with the meal plan as I am currently eating under 1300 calories which will give me a little wiggle room to add a glass of wine every once in a while (no alcohol during bootcamp). I have taken up running and will continue that daily.

Oh, and it turns out that Sampson, our big dog, has a cold. That is good that it wasn't something worse. They won't give him antibiotics unless his cough gets worse.

Summer is into EVERYTHING now! I allow her get into the cabinet with the pans so she can have one safe fun place to explore however, seriously,I place the pots and pans back in the cabinet, pick up toys and make my way back to the kitchen and the pans are out again!
PLUS, she has decided that one nap is enough for her. Hello, I thought Mommy got to make that decision and I can tell you I am NOT ready. Today I took an hour nap and Summer cried in her crib for the whole hour. Once I was up I was refreshed and ready to play again but it was necessary. Playing is draining, you know?
**I can tell that some of you are stressed out that I let her cry for 1 hour. She was safe and supposed to be napping herself so I don't feel bad about it. Period.
This morning she got to my glass of water on the nightstand. Notice she is soaking wet but happy as can be!
She is so close to walking. Today she took a few steps at different times. She practices by pushing her bike around.
And this picture I just thought portrayed her fun personality.


Grammy said...

Busy busy little bee! I am not freaking out about the hour you let her stay and cry and fuss. She may decide when she naps but you can decide when YOU need a rest. Put a couple of things in her bed to keep her busy and take a break. She is well loved and well taken care of and will be fine. Let us know all of the details of last bootcamp!!! I am so proud of you.

MIMI said...

Those pictures are PRECIOUS. I agree with Grammy--you needed the rest and she looks just fine to me--happy and healthy. Go get 'um girl on this last boot camp day. You have done GREAT--so PROUD of you!! Thanks for keeping us informed--I MISS just being able to touch her, but it won't be too long now.

Larry said...

We can't wait till her birthday.