Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pop Quiz

Summer & Sampson!
Yall stop playing for a second because Mommy is about to give you a pop quiz!
It is about healthy food options. Are you ready for the question?
Which option is healthier?
7-Grain (Whole Grain) Bread OR Mulit-Grain (Whole Grain) Tortilla
Talk it over with Sampson and yall tell me your answer.
If you said the 7-Grain bread like Summer & Sampson, then you are...WRONG!
**Neither of them can read yet so I'll cut them some slack**
Yall go back to playing and Mommy will bore the readers with the details of why the tortilla is better. By the way, we call this game-climb over the big black log.
To my surprise, the multi-grain tortilla has 50% less calories, 50% less sodium, 4X less Sugar (wow) and double the Fiber! And it has more surface space meaning you feel like you are eating more. And to top it off, it even is a larger serving size by 1g.
I am going to try a Spaghetti Squash recipe this week which I am excited about. Since I can't have carbs for dinner I will substitute the squash as the noodles. I have never cooked spaghetti squash but I hear it comes out looking like noodles. I'll keep you posted.


MIMI said...

Summer Marie Martin and Sampson are so cute together and Mommy writes a great story to go along with them. I just bought some of the same tortillas this week and have enjoyed them --and they're healthy, too.
5 more days until I have a beautiful,smart,funny,friendly,just about "as perfect as it gets" baby GIRL named Jana Marie who was a JOY everyday of my life!!!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

I have spaghetti squash on our menu for this week too! I LOVE it! I think you will like it! Jeff doesn't care for it as much as I do, but it's one of my favorite substitutes.

Grammy said...

Ok you post this right after I get back from the store with my lite whole grain bread.Its ok. I'm so far behind with the health thing I went and bought the next size gym shorts. Boy I look like I have lost weight in them because I have room to move!!! I am here to testify that I have seen Jennifer in person (this Sat) she looks very fit and beautiful. I think Summer and Sampsom will have many conversations in the future. She is drooling, drooling, and drooling. Bless her little heart. love yall