Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bootcamp and Baby

Bootcamp Day 2
Today was the first day of eating "on plan." For those of you who are curious what that means, here is what I ate today.
Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs with green onion and 1 pc wheat toast
Snack - apple with a small spoon of peanut butter
lunch - salad topped with 4 oz roasted chicken and a pc of wheat breadSnack - apple with small spoon of peanut butter
Dinner - salad topped with 4 oz baked tilapia, salsa, sour cream and small amount of cheese (no carbs-ouch)
And 1 gallon of water
I haven't felt hungry today. Tonight's bootcamp consisted of more cardio. We started out running and seems like we didn't stop the entire 45 minutes. I bet I will be sore tomorrow. Speaking of, the instructor offered me a free class tomorrow as she only has 1 person on Wednesday. If I can schedule it with Summer and Chad I am all in.
Here is what Summer did today. I just love seeing her in warm weather clothes. Last year she was an infant and I kept her covered so this is the first time she is exposing those arms and legs.
Standing and pulling things out of her wagon.
Crawling in and over the stool...and by the way she crawls all over Sampson and he just lays there undisturbed (Lucy would never allow that).
She's located the photographer..."Hey, I didn't say you could take pictures of me!"
At least tell me, so I can SMILE. Yes, this is a smile. These days she turns that chin up and smiles with pride.
She has recently shown affection for her doll, Jaime. Summer doesn't personally use a pacifier but she DOES like to suck on Jamie's...go figure.
I am so glad to be back blogging again.
Off to do my exercise homework and shower.


MIMI said...

And what cute arms and legs they are!!! Sampson, watch out, here comes Ms.Strong Adventous Summer! Mom,you are really impressing me--maybe I'll even become motivated.

the crazy armstrongs said...

I just finished a bible study called devoted bodies it had the fourty day challenge in it and I've been trying to do it. It was a really good book just talked about man made foods vs God's foods. So, make sure you do LOTS of Vegs/fruits. We have slowly cut down our meat to only a couple of nights a week. The 1st week I lost 4 pounds.. and boy I have more energy when I eat healthy. Thinking of you guys always! Lets plan something this summer to get together. I show the pictures of Summer to Brooke and she says when can we see her mommie? Love you guys and always praying for you.