Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Video Time

Summer's crying times are improving and mommy and daddy are finding more humor in parenthood. Last night we all cried in musical rhythm. Then Summer gave up once she realized she wasn't the loudest!

Chad thinks he is really funny. Here's how the conversation went...

Jana - Guess what I got excited about today?

Chad - crunches?

Jana - NO

Chad - ha ha

Jana - I'm going to blog about that...(the blog is almost like the "public mother figure" where I can tattle tell on him)

I feel like Summer is starting to make some intentional communication noises to us. These are noises different from the crying or whimpering. They come out of nowhere and it seems like she has been trying REALLY hard to get her voice heard. Soon she will be talking nonstop like her mother!

Video Note - yes it's a small noise and it may be that only I think it is a big deal but its NEW ok!

1 comment:

MIMI said...

MIMI thinks the sound was a DEFINITE communication with us. She is beginning to talk! I love the thumb sucking video.