Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dress Up

I am starting to realize that I better dress Summer up in some of her cute outfits or she will grow out of them. In my mind she is still so small but I am getting a reality check when she fits into the "big" clothes.
Here is the cheery yellow dress from Aunt Les.
Smiling Summer - This was the first time I was able to make her smile on command for the camera!
Funny Summer with her tongue out.


MIMI said...

This is just MORE than your MIMI can take!! You are the most adorable thing I've EVER seen! Yellow is your color--thanks to Leslie. I LOVE your smile--just wish that I was the one making you do it!

mook said...

She is a little DOLL!

Doug/Grandad/Dad said...

Great shots, Jana. Summer is beautiful!. Love, Doug

Leslie said...

YAY! It looks adorable on her. I knew a girl named Summer, would look great in a Summery Yellow! And the background change goes with it too! Love it!