Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer - 8 weeks

8 Facts about Summer at 8 weeks...
  1. Summer weighs 10 lb 2 oz. Her head is growing for sure and slowly her body is stretching out. We will find out her height next week at her doctor appointment.
  2. Summer flashed her first intentional smile at ME! Oh so sweet.
  3. She rolled over from her tummy to her back. I was so surprised that she rolled over that I put her on her tummy again and she did it a second time! I went to get the video camera and of course she wouldn't do it again. Twice was enough physical activity.
  4. She is slobbering alot and loves to suck on her hands. She is very hit or miss with taking the pacifier.
  5. She loves being carried in the Baby Bjorn.
  6. She wakes up once in the night around 2-3am to eat and goes back to sleep without a problem...thank goodness.
  7. She still has her fussy time in the mornings and evenings. However, we are coping with it better. Chad and I get our exercise walking around the house, side stepping in place or simply bouncing up and down.
  8. She takes one great 4 hour nap in the middle of the day with smaller naps in the early morning and evening...mostly in my arms, baby bjorn or the stroller.

And here is a comparison photo.

5 weeks - notice the size of her arms and the extra space in her pants leg.

8 weeks - her arms and head are bigger. Plus she has filled out these pants.


MIMI said...

She is getting prettier and sweeter looking each week, but I don't know how she can keep that up! I love her so much! What else can I say?

bud said...


She is getting so big. She looks so sweet and comfortable. I am glad she is sleeping better and that yall are handling it better. Love you.

mook said...

Glad all is going well and Summer is growing. She is way too cute!! I really want to see her in person and get my hands on her, but I bet I will have to fight Mimi! xoxo