Monday, July 27, 2009

Grammy & Papa visit

Grammy & Papa flew in town on Friday to see Summer for the first time. Summer had just been to the doctor earlier that day for her shots and needed some extra love. Good thing we had the extra hands on deck ready to step in.
The both loved on Summer and fed her...Napped with her...She did a LOT of sleeping in their arms.
Summer was content and happy in their laps.
Dad managed to fit in some handyman projects, a golf lesson (him teaching me) and we stumbled upon an antique car show.
Summer showed off her neck strength by sitting up in the bumbo.
And finally Papa laid Summer down for her nap before leaving for the airport...she couldn't stay down though knowing she would miss saying goodbye (or maybe it was the flash of this picture)!
We had a great time visiting with Grammy and Papa and watching them spoil Summer with love.


MIMI said...

Martin Family,
I am so happy to see you all enjoying each other so much. Summer's big bright eyes can melt hearts. These memories being documented will give Summer so many sweet memories one day!

Margaret Worrell said...

Summer is so precious! Enjoy these "newborn" times with her! I feel like Owen should still be that little but the time flies (as I am sure you have heard thousands of times). How is she sleeping at night? It took Owen until about 3 months but now it is 7:30 to 7. I promise it will come!

Ashlei said...

Oh She keeps getting more and more cute. Those cheekies are getting so fat.

Uncle Bud said...

It looks like The Martins and The Savages all had a great time. I know Grammy and Papa loved seeing and holding and loving on Summer. It looks like you and Dad had a good time at Home Depot too. That pic with you in the car waiving is hilarious. I am just thinking about yall going to home depot to get some things for the house and the next thing you know you are in a 65 Mustang taking pictures. Thats funny. I know yall all had a great time. Love ya.

Uncle Bud