Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lucy goes swimming

Lucy LOVES to swim!
Lucy LOVES to play fetch!
Playing with the chuck-it at the lake is her HEAVEN!FYI- This video started out as 4 minutes of swim after swim but I have trimmed it'll get the picture...she could do this all day!

Summer and I have started using the Baby Bjorn carrier more. I love the mobility it allows me. I put her sun hat on today so her little head wouldn't get burnt...cute! She loves being close and the movementputs her to sleep. If only the exit wouldn't wake her up...

We took a leisurely walk around the neighborhood this morning. I sipped on coffee and Summer enjoyed the fresh air (even though it appears she can't breath - she can).

Yesterday Summer SMILED AT ME! It was a big open mouth grin (like that one I posted before) and her eyes were looking directly at me. The best part is that Chad was sitting right there and saw it so I have a witness. Oh my goodness, if this big ole smile is how she does it every time then we are in for a world of happiness! What JOY!

1 comment:

MIMI said...

You are in for a world of Happiness with Summer entertaining you every day and YOU entertaining her every day. I LOVE LUCY-just wish we could bottle her energy and sell it. Can't wait for Lucy and Sadie to get together in the water.