Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Friday

Happy Friday indeed! Summer slept through the night for the very first time, 8pm - 5:30am.
We enjoyed the early morning hour together relaxing with a cup of coffee and watching Sunrise Earth, dairy farm in Vermont. So peaceful I had to take pictures of my tv (coo-coo I know).
All the more confirmation that if I return to life as an animal I want to be a cow, a dairy cow.
Summer and I have been practicing our acting skills. In this photo I told her to give me her best pouty face. And let me tell you folks, we have a little actress on our hands. This girl is convincing!
Here she is showing daddy her skills.
Finally Miss Summer tired herself out enough to lay down for a nap and I was right behind her. About 2 hours into my dreams I was woken up by hard rain and hail. This is rare in the high desert so I had to take a picture. Or maybe it is because I am addicted to photos.


MIMI said...

Miss Pouty Face is the cutest little pouty face that I've evern seen! She is personality plus!! Jana, you love cows because they are gentle and giving like you--you don't have to come back as one.
I love my Martin Family!!!

Larry said...

The "daddy I want a pony" picture was wonderful.

MIMI said...

Forgot to say that I am the one who is ADDICTED to photos--of Summer Marie Martin!!!!

Gramma said...

Okay, okay, I just found out by reading Heidi's blog that you are not going to make a scrapbook and that you are going to use this blog as her scrapbook. Wow-what a fantastic idea-I am so ignorant to what is going on in this fast world!But if Miss Summer wants to know that her Gramma was around during her first year I guess I'd better be more faithful reading the blog and posting--ha ha! I wonder if anyone reading this can guess who gave Summer the "Daddy I want a pony" onesie. hmmmmm.... She just pouts so cute! Now, Chad if you just could've matched the pout in the picture.......