Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting Ready for Summer

Yesterday I went to the doctor for the first of my Weekly visits.
As I suspected, Summer is head down and has "dropped."
The doctor thinks she weighs about 6 lbs right now and would be ok if she was born any time going forward.
I am 1.5 cm dilated already and would be very excited to meet Miss Summer in person as soon as possible!

I wasn't feeling good at the doctors appointment (just felt uncomfortable with tightness) and she asked me if I had the nursery ready and the only thing I could say is that I haven't bought any baby wipes yet. She said if that was all I lacked then we were in good shape. By the way, I bought some today:)

Today I began packing our hospital bag. We will be using Summer's new monogrammed tote to carry our items.
A few things we have included are:
ipod and speaker (so we can chill out or maybe rock out while I am pushing, ha ha that is a good idea but I doubt we will think to DJ while the pain is at its peak)
3 onesies
Alabama beanie & socks (it is so tiny it may only fit in the hospital)
swaddling blanket (although we will try to take the hospital one as I hear they are the best)

I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK - What did you bring your baby home from the hospital dressed in? I have been told your baby only comes home from the hospital once so dress up...Should she wear an outfit/dress or a onesie? Please post your response.


MOM said...

I think that Miss Summer should come home in a dress. I am also trying to think about packing and planning for a "quick get away"! I will be ready to jump on a plane when Summer calls. I love you all and am praying for you and Summer everyday.

Ashlei said...

We need more belly shots. You might also want to think about taking your own pillow to the hospital I loved having mine.

Leigh Collins said...

I agree with the pillow - it is nice to have at least one comfortable piece of "home". I brought both of my girls home in the same sweet little daygown - it's like a dress and a gown. It is white and we are saving it in case of another child or for a keepsake for them. As for other things to pack, if you plan on letting her have a pacifier, bring your own so that she can get used to that one and not the ones they give at the hospital - sometimes it's hard to find those. Also, a pad of paper and pen and thank you notes - to keep up with people that bring flowers/gifts to hospital - you will have some down time while there so you can catch up with wriing thank you notes. Another piece of advice (and some may disagree), but let them keep her in the nursery at night (if they offer) - these will be the last full nights of sleep for a while so take advantage of the help and give yourself some good sleep to help your body recover. They can bring her back to you when it's time to feed if you're breast-feeding. You will have plenty of time to sit and hold her all night when you get home!

Jen said...

I vote a daygown. I think they are so sweet and comfy looking.
By the way...I voted she comes early :) Get those clothes washed!
HAPPY B'DAY to your dad today!
We love ya'll,
Aunt Jen & Uncle Bud

Gramma said...

Well, after not having a computer to use for at least 3 weeks I have a lot of your blogs to catch up on! Thank heavens for the phone and our daily talks! Trish, I am with you. My bag is packed! Jana, I have to admit I did feel just a little sorry for you when you didn't feel so good the other night and morning, but, I mostly was so excited! Oh, waiting is so hard for me. Personally, what she wears home, I don't think is that important other than her comfort but you know me-I'm a t-shirt, jeans kind of person. she is going to be precious in whatever you dress her in. I voted her to arrive early and very quickly on a shining white pony!!!!

lisa said...

She will look adorable! Just don't forget it will probably be a warm day.
Don't forget your camera! Oh! and your phone charger and all your phone numbers. My cell ran out with Ethan and since I was there longer than expected - it was a pain not having a phone, but mostly not having access to my #'s.
I would suggest you bring something comfy for you. I changed out of that hospital gown as soon as I had the boys and was so grateful to feel a little human.
Oh - and pack panties that you don't mind throwing away - seriously.
Philip and I actually brought a laptop with the first 2 seasons of LOST - believe it or not we watched the whole thing! It was nice to cuddle together and watch movies and listen to little Nico sleep. Its an amazingly peaceful and intimate time. We savored every moment of just being together. But 3 days is a long time to watch hospital TV and stare at each other. Nico was actually out of the room a lot for hearing tests, overall check-ups, etc, so it was nice to have something to do.
I agree on the pillow thing - I also brought a blanket for me and Nico.
Don't forget a digital watch to time contractions on your way to the hospital. They will ask you when you get there and its good to be accurate.
Okay, I am saying too much, but my last bit of advice is snacks. Hospital food is one reason - but there is something to be said for some yummy treats from home!

The Reeds said...

Hey Jana! Your husband might want to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Mike was much more comfortable on the couch with them. And snacks are a must:) Good luck!! I can't wait to see pictures!