Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fun with the Flip Ultra HD

Yesterday we went to Summer's 1st pediatrician appt and she was great. She didn't get upset at all when the doctor stripped her down and checked her out. She gained 2 ozs from the time we left the hospital which is perfect, 5lbs 4 oz now. She is on track to be back to her plump birth weight of 5lb 9 oz by her 2 week birthday! We took thank you cookie bags to all of her doctors and nurses and it was fun to show her off.

BIG thanks to Mimi (my mom) and Gramma (Chad's mom) for flying out and helping us out with the cooking, cleaning and emotional support in these first few days after Summer's birth. She is lucky to be so loved!

Here is Summer and me on her 1 week birthday! We have noticed that around 3pm she is awake and we caught her with her eyes wide open. She and daddy holding hands after a feeding watching the basketball game.

We have been having fun with our new video recorder...the easy Flip Ultra HD.
Summer's Nursery Tour

Sweet Face


Leslie said...

Love the pics and video!! It is more personal and captures more than pics! Love it, and you Look Amazing!! Love the white pants and top you had on!
xo's - Les

Uncle Bud and Aunt Jen said...


That is awesome. I love the videos and "the end" endings. Mom is doing great camera work and Summer is such a superstar. You are so funny too. I love how you being the mommy can hear and know what Summer says and thinks even though sometimes she does not say it out loud. You have had these same mommy instincts dating all the way back to Dixie. I remember when you could tell the same things when she was a puppy. That is so NEAT and FUNNY. Love you so much.

mook said...

You are all looking so good and happy! Summer is PRECIOUS!!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the videos!!! We want more! It feels like we are right there with ya'll.


Larry said...

Oh such big eyes you have...wonderful little face. Can't wait to hold her! GrandDo

the crazy armstrongs said...

Jana, you are just too cute in your videos .. I love it! I think summer is going to gifted she looks like she understands every word you say.I just love her she's sooo cute!