Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today I planted 72 Red Petunias.
I was very excited to finally jazz up my flower pots and I was on a mission to buy anything yellow. I just love yellow flowers outside a house. However, I didn't find anything yellow so my next option was solid red.
My Mums from last year (pictured below) came back but only in one pot. Ironically, the pot you see is the one that didn't come back...and they looked so healthy.
So today, I separated the three of them and surrounded them with my sweet petunias.
I kind of overestimated how many I needed so I have Petunias EVERYWHERE.
Two pots like this on either side of the front door.

Two pots that look like this on either side of the back door.

Two pots on the right of the sidewalk.

Plus, they are surrounding two rosebeds by the road. I will be very surprised if these live because the soil is so rocky even with extra planting soil.
By the way, gardening + 34 weeks pregnant do NOT mix well! Which is a shame because the whole idea of gardening and watching something grow seems so pregnant-like but it is the bending over and squatting that is the killer. Oh well, a little pain never stopped me before.
I often have conversations with myself...and while I was planting I was thinking how I feel like a grandmama (during my painful bending over moments)...but then I was like, both my Grandmama and Chad's Grandmother are excellent gardners so that isn't a fair analysis.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Jan, be careful in that garden....maybe sit down instead of lean over, if you are going to do this again!
Thanks so much for the shout out, the wedding pics you have are too cute. Can you upload them and share them please?
It is funny I have the same hair cut as I did at 13! HA! I guess I'm trying to hold on to my younger years! :)
love you!!