Yesterday I went to the doctor for the first of my Weekly visits.
As I suspected, Summer is head down and has "dropped."
The doctor thinks she weighs about 6 lbs right now and would be ok if she was born any time going forward.
I am 1.5 cm dilated already and would be very excited to meet Miss Summer in person as soon as possible!
I wasn't feeling good at the doctors appointment (just felt uncomfortable with tightness) and she asked me if I had the nursery ready and the only thing I could say is that I haven't bought any baby wipes yet. She said if that was all I lacked then we were in good shape. By the way, I bought some today:)
Today I began packing our hospital bag. We will be using Summer's new monogrammed tote to carry our items.
A few things we have included are:
ipod and speaker (so we can chill out or maybe rock out while I am pushing, ha ha that is a good idea but I doubt we will think to DJ while the pain is at its peak)
3 onesies
Alabama beanie & socks (it is so tiny it may only fit in the hospital)
swaddling blanket (although we will try to take the hospital one as I hear they are the best)
I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK - What did you bring your baby home from the hospital dressed in? I have been told your baby only comes home from the hospital once so dress up...Should she wear an outfit/dress or a onesie? Please post your response.