Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm up to something...

I am making custom drapes for Summer's room. Most of us want something unique and handmade, yet if you make it yourself we think it looks cheap but if it is handmade and purchased in a boutique we think it deserves top dollar? Oh yeah, its because those people are artists...well anyways, I am always up for trying it myself first to see if I can replicate a boutique look. In this case, I'm not replicating anything rather merging various ideas into one piece.
Sneak is taking a little longer than expected but you will see the final results this week.
Such a cutie pie!
Summer goes into a trance while drinking her milk. She often doesn't move and gives me one of those..."I just finished a 90 minute massage" looks. Come to think of it, maybe I should take a sip if its that good!


Larry said...

Always good to see new pics, it makes us feel like we are almost there...

MIMI said...

I'm counting the days until I can see "little sweetie pie". Those jeans do make her look SO BIG. Also, I can't wait to see the "designer shades".