Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Singing Sensation

I am sure this is typical of most children...Summer is very quiet and mostly still when we go out in public to a clothing/shoe store. In fact, today when I went to try on some new running shoes they had me run on the treadmill to analyze my step. When I started walking to the next room I turned around and saw that Summer hadn't moved...little duckling you have to follow me! On a completely random note, this is EXACTLY how I got lost in department stores as a little girl...and when I finally would find my mom I was SO upset because she didn't even notice I was lost (but I'm not traumatized or anything).
Back to Summer in stores...she is quiet until we get into the dressing room. Then she lets loose and talks up a storm. It has to be interesting how this silent girl goes behind a door then chit chats and squeals...or at least it is interesting to me.
Ok, not sure how I got off on that tangent but here is Summer singing on her microphone.
Then I bust her with the camera...which she tries to avoid these days.
Spa day at MOPS was wonderful. I got a mini pedi, mini facial, hand massage, lip exfoliant, 20 minute chair massage, take home bubble bath AND I WON the drawing for a $50 gift certificate to a local spa! I would say it was an AWESOME morning.
Oh, and the local community college and technical college was there doing the hand massages and back massages and their price lists are amazing. You can get a 60 minute massage with an advanced student for $30 or a manicure for $15. Even a shampoo for $1. Check out your local CC if you are looking for a inexpensive way to get fully pampered. They told me that they had the music and ambiance like a real spa.
I am still running. My poor shoes have holes in them (on top) but I have a fear of buying new ones. I am scared that I will buy the wrong ones and they will hurt, rub or mess up my pace. However, after today's visit to the Foot Rx I think I have found the pair that is perfect for me, Saucony Progrid Guider 3. Luckily they have a 30 day return policy so if they don't work I can return them. That's the kind of service you get from a quality running store. Haven't bought them yet but I am sleeping on it.
If you are still reading then God Bless You. This post is so random and boring. Have a great Thursday!


MIMI said...

I AM NOT BORED--(especially when you are talking about what a GREAT MOM you had as a child--one that would go off and leave you alone).
Maybe that will make you a BETTER MOM for the experience!!
Love you and will NEVER take my eyes off Summer--so don't worry!!

Grammy said...

There is nothing boring about a day in the life of Jana and Summer! Nothing boring about that cutie with the microphone either. She looks sooo old. Hope your running shoes are perfect.
love ya'll

Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

she's such a cutie! love hearing about the funny things all my friends kids do...then i don't feel so crazy with mine!