Sunday, July 29, 2012

Martin Funnies

These days there are lots of humorous moments at our house but here are a few I have from today.

Conversation between Summer and Mommy this morning...
Summer: Where my pink purse? I need my pink purse!
Mommy: Which pink purse are you talking about?
Summer: It's round and pink.  It hangs on your arm. It nice. I love it so so much!
Mommy: Oh, ok let me got check...pull out a pink purse that somewhat meets that description (not round) and she says YES.
Mostly I love the detailed descriptions she hangs on your arm. oh my!

She is into the cd from VBS and loves two songs on it.  We listen to them in the car.  The other day she asked me if I "hear the beat?"  I was like, where did you get that from?

And as far as Zane is concerned I have formulated my own NEW WIVE'S TALES.  Maybe you have heard of them:
  • The more your baby cries, the better mother you are.
  • The louder your baby screams the more intelligent he is.
  • The less your baby sleeps the bigger he grows.
Just a few to add to the OLD WIVE'S TALES circulating out there.


The Reeds said...

We believe in your New Wives Tales over here! Maybe Zane and Miller will meet at U of A one day:) She falls into all 3 wives tales! She used to sleep great, but we woke up at 3:00 and 6:00 this morning... what?! Can we say WRONG direction?!? And we don't like to nap. Fun times:) Thankfully they are cute, ha!

Rachel said...

Oh Jana - I could read your funnies all day long and still laugh out loud. Keep capturing those hilarious comments from Summer. They will be fun to look back on one day. (Hey, they are fun to read now!)

Mimi said...

MOM you are too FUNNY--