Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just what I needed

A weekend dedicated to making life easier for mothers couldn't have come at a better time!
We packed up the Griswald's and headed deep into the woods to visit with family and escape from our everyday routine.
This video shows just how CRAZY things were in the moments before we got there.

I didn't even realize Chad was wearing earplugs until I video'd him. I typically don't ride in the back with Summer but we had missed our nap and I knew this was going to be a tough drive. Once we arrived our attitudes perked up and we had a great weekend full of rest and fun family time. Summer got to enjoy Gigi, her Great Grandmother Martin, for the first time.

Summer also got to play in a baby pool for the first time. That went well for a few minutes...until she decided to pluck grass and put it into the pool and eventually crawl out.We went to dinner at the restaurant where we had our rehearsal dinner 6.5 years ago...sweet memories!What a blessing to celebrate Four Generations of Martin's!Summer has really taken off on her walking. This weekend she was side stepping and even turning around! Here is a video to show you what I am talking about.

1 comment:

MIMI said...

What a SWEET time together with the Martin family! I know that Gigi loved seeing Summer! So glad that you all could share time together and make those memories. I loved the "baby doll" video, but did not care for the one where Summer was unhappy. I just wanted to comfort her!!