Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer - 12 Weeks

Summer is 12 weeks now!
Weight - 11 lb 14 oz
Latest trick - sleeping thru the night...3 times in a row this week (11 hours)
Likes - her hands in the mouth, bouncy seat bouncing really hard with your foot, bathtime
Dislikes - naps! anything that involves being still (Mommy's got a Jimmy leg)
Favorite time of day - just waking up in the morning...reuniting her mouth to her hands from being wrapped in the Miracle Blanket all night! This is when we get smiles galore:)

This is the only way she rests during the day (for this week at least). But hey, at least I am sitting at the computer keeping in touch with you (which is what I am doing in this picture).

1 comment:

MIMI said...

My Friday is really HAPPY now that I have seen my sweet Summer smiling. What could make you happier than for it to be Friday afternoon after your 1st week of school and come home to such a sweet baby girl in a bouncy seat smiling!!! I love it!