Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Today was overall a wonderful day. Summer and Mommy started it off nice and early at 5:30. However, by 7am Summer had a bottle, tummy time, watched Baby Mozart and was asleep in her swing all while Mommy drank coffee, pumped, did 2 loads of laundry AND cooked bacon, eggs and biscuits! Now THAT is a good start to the day. Wait a second - did I just say waking up before the Sun to cook and clean was a good start to your day? Where did my youth go?

After Summer woke up from her little nap in the swing she and Daddy loved on the dogs together.
Summer will be 4 months on Sunday and we have been practicing using a spoon so when we start to eat it will be familiar. I put some drops of milk from her bottle and she sucked it down.
PS - Please let me know what brand of Rice Cereal your babies liked or which you thought were the healthiest - thanks.

We are finding the afternoon times a little challenging as she takes a 3-4 hour nap mid-day and therefore doesn't lay down well even though she is rubbing-her-eyes tired. So after 2 attempts at a nap in her crib I told her she could sit up with me while I wash dishes but she had to be happy (I really did say that).
And for the record, this smile came as a result of me repeating ma ma ma ma!
It's proven - she loves me!


MIMI said...

I could just kiss those little toes everytime I see them. I love seeing Summer be able to sit up in the Bumbo and "eat milk" from a spoon?! So glad that your Wednesday was Wonderful--now mine is!!
Love looking into the window of the Martin's Happy Days

Maggie Pelton said...

I would start with Earth's Best. It's brown rice. The other stuff is white rice with no nutritional benefits. After the first few weeks, though, you should try making her food. It's so easy, fun and cheap. I use Super Baby Food but there's all kinds of stuff online. To make homemade rice cereal, just put uncooked brown rice in the blender and turn it on for 2 or 3 mins. Then cook like you normally cook rice. You can add fruits and veggies to this as she's able to eat more.

Gramma said...

You might try letting her take a real nap in her crib in the morning so she gets some good solid sleep. Then maybe she'll stay up longer and happier til an afternoon nap in the crib. She is sitting so good in the bumbo compared to just a couple weeks ago when I was there! Amazing how fast she changes!