Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Test

I just returned from my Gestational Diabetes test and I want to share with yall that it didn't kill me. I was given the orange sugar drink and I thought it tasted a gatorade. I had to sit in the waiting room for one hour for the sugar to go through my body and luckily I was able to read the Reno Magazine (tore out a Whole Foods $20 off coupon - with permission) and catch up on my Forgiveness class workbook.

Then there is the dreaded part of taking the blood. I can take a scalding hot shower or drink ridiculously hot coffee but to have a needle draw blood out of me is just an overload. I have to look the other way and I made a face when she stuck me. As soon as I did that I realized that there was another lady in the opposite chair facing me who probably saw my sissyness, oh well.

If my blood didn't absorb the sugar appropriately I will fail the test and have to take a 3 hour tolerance test where I drink the sugar beverage then they take my blood every hour for 3 hours. Please pray I won't fail because that would be you have to fast and that is a long time to not eat (all night plus until 10am the next morning). I don't think I will find out until my next Dr. appt at the end of March.

On a separate note, Lucy is a strange dog. Beginning yesterday she is scared of walking around the house.
For example: She loves laying in our bathroom but has developed a fear of leaving the bathroom and will stay there and whine until I come and escort her by the bed and out of the bedroom. And she got up on the guest bed (with dogs sheets on it, of course) and wouldn't get down even when the rest of the family is in the living room...this coming from the same dog who jumps the back fence daily. Trust me she can step off the 2 foot bed.

Here is a picture of her snuggled up with the pokey bush in our back yard. This bush is recovering from her killing it last year because she lays on it all the time. Why would a dog want to lay on a bush that has pokey leaves?

Meanwhile, this is Sampson's life. And Lucy is chasing her tail in this picture too.

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