Monday, March 23, 2009

ER Visit

It has been an eventful 2 days at our house. Chad has battled the stomach flu and lost. After non stop vomitting last night and him bent over in pain we decided to go to the Emergency Room. There is a mini hospital about 5 minutes away and it was great. There wasn't anyone there and they saw us immediately. He received an IV with liquids, anti nausea and pain meds. Within the first 5 minutes he was getting his coloring back and feeling better. We were there until 3am so we were nice and tired once we got back home. He is feeling so much better now and the doctor gave us more anti nausea pills should it come back. He is on one now. Thanks for caring!
One of my new beauty secrets is Vaseline Cocoa Butter lotion. I have been using this and it is a great inexpensive lotion. I recently ran out of my expensive Aveda face lotion and used this as a substitute for a day and I have been using ever since. Now, NV is dry so this may not work for a more humid climate but I have only seen great results from using it.
Plus, I am sharing with you a coupon I found that is good for the remainder of this month- $1 off.
Googling coupons for the items on my shopping list is my new favorite pastime.


Anonymous said...

Glad Chad is better! Since you like the coupon thing so much go to this website You can find all kinds of coupons from just about any store!

Leslie said...

Jan, I'm sorry to hear about Chad's visit to the ER, but glad he is feeling better. Stay away from him so you don't get it!
Jen- I always go to, it is great!
xo, Les

Anonymous said...

Poor Chad! I'm sorry to hear he was so sick. No fun. I'm glad you took him to the ER. Was it the flu? Food poisoning? In any case, I hope you and Summer were able to avoid his germies.

Anonymous said...

My heart was going out to you--I was feeling terrible about what you were going through, but am so thankful that you got some much needed relieve. I hope you will feel much better for your trip.
Love you,