Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Surprise Snow and Summer's Nursery

The weekend was beautiful and I even got a little sunburn...only to wake up Monday morning to 2 inches of snow on the ground. You know this weather is a lot like life...just when we think things are fabulous we hit a challenge.

But before you know it life is good again. (This picture is taken Monday afternoon, just hours after the snowy one)

The snow, though a nightmare for traffic and bothersome for those who didn't expect it, hydrated the soil and is great for our snowpack. In life, our challenges, though they may seem insurmountable, strenghten our soul and make us all the better for them. I urge you to take advantage of your challenges and make them count because they will pass soon and we want to have gotten stronger because of them.

Summer's Nursery
Well I had planned on painting her room pink but in compromise with my sweet husband I chose yellow...plus I already had the paint from a previous project that didn't work out.

After painting the room and trim, Chad and Matt brought in the furniture and I got to arrange Summer's pajamas, onesies, blankets, bibs, books and cds in her dresser. It was so much fun preparing for her arrival.
Here are a few pictures of the beginning of her nursery.

I got such a positive response from my hamburger picture that I thought I would document our wholesome dinner; baked bbq chicken, wild rice and green beans


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the yellow!I think it will look great with Summer's bedding.Everything is looking cute:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like all we need now is a little Summer to make that room complete! Can't wait!!!