Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cooking and Playing

The past few months I have been so inspired by a friend of mine who is a cooking queen! She has four kids and manages to cook smart, frugal and healthy. Not to mention she feeds the women and children in our community at the homeless shelter weekly. Anytime I need a recipe I go to her blog to see what she is up to.
This week potatoes are on a big discount at the local grocery and I am going to take advantage by making some of her twice baked potatoes as well as freezing some for grilled cheesy potato skins later. Check out the link below and explore her blog to find more great recipes and cooking ideas.
I have made her Chicken Parmesan and froze it for later and it came out great! I also love the breakfast burritos.
Grilled Cheesy Potato Skins

Yesterday Summer and I went to the Mountain Playlodge with our neighbors for the first time. I had heard rave reviews but didn't know what to expect. Summer went crazy! She got in there and just started running. She couldn't climb on each dog, turtle, boat, car fast enough. It was so much fun to watch her. They had inflatables and to my surprise she got in the BIG ones and actually climbed to the top and slid down (with me encouraging her to be like Dora)!
Sorry no pictures...as you remember Summer dropped my camera and I have sent it off for warranty repair.

PS - This year I am going to be one of those people who put up their Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. I hope to get them up this week!


Doug said...

Glad to see you're manufacturing new, delicious frozen food dishes! - "frozen at the peak of freshness". Ever thought about going into the frozen food business? Call it "Jana's Jewels", then sell out to Stouffer's (owned by Nestle) and become an instant millionaire!

Mimi said...

Did I miss the link? Decorating EARLY sounds like a winner to me--go for it!!! Wish I could.

Dad said...

Crafting AND cooking up new dishes! Jana, you are amazing. Bring some of those frozen dishes down to AL, and I will let you know whether they are Stouffer-worthy! Ha! Thanks for your inspiration.

Dad said...

Crafting AND cooking up new dishes! Jana, you are amazing. Bring some of those frozen dishes down to AL, and I will let you know whether they are Stouffer-worthy! Ha! Thanks for your inspiration.