Monday, June 14, 2010

Best Grandparents Ever!

Summer Marie is blessed with 3 super sets of loving grandparents!
I am so thankful for the love, care and participation they provide to Summer. It gives me such peace knowing she is under their watchful eyes.
She is spending this week in Alabama but before she went we snuck a quick trip to Gramma and Grandad's house. There she had an eventful and late night out on the lake. We went to dinner and she had her first ordered meal, grilled cheese with applesauce! Afterwards, she and daddy got jiggy with the band.
Then we shipped her off with Mimi and Grando who have proceeded to fullfil her every hearts desire! Going down the slide at Brewster's after a little ice cream!Giving kisses to Sadie after getting love from Uncle Bud and Aunt Jen (note: Bud was doing yard work and that is why he has on a cut off t-shirt...even still questionable attire for yard work)

However, it wasn't all fun. Mimi and Grando gave her some household chores too.
And they packed her bags and sent her off to Grammy and Papa's house for a couple of days.
She is now with Grammy and Papa who have many fun events planned. One thing I know on the agenda is a golf lesson with Papa using her new putters! More pictures to come.
Oh, and here are some cute eggs from a bird who has made a nest in my furn on the front porch.


MIMI said...

MIMI is amazed at the LOVE that this child brings to our family. Thank you, Chad and Jana, for sharing the LOVE!

Larry said...

We had such fun with Spencer here along with Summer. Great grandchild with more to come...