Thursday, June 10, 2010

Anybody out there?

Why is it so hard to be content?

I want to be a stay at home mom but yet I find myself struggling through the day. Probably because my expectation of a stay at home mom is absurdly delusional. I think I should just be singing and perky all the time, playing games and teaching life lessons.
Side note: that sentence just made me smile it is so far from my current reality!
Instead, I spend my time trying to keep Summer busy so I can do things around the house. Whether it is making her next meal, doing laundry, cleaning up from the last meal, using the bathroom, cleaning up from her destruction while I use the get my point. I just keep catching myself not savoring the moment.

Does anybody ever feel the same?


Leigh Collins said...

Which is why I cannot be a stay at home mom! Although there are days that I think, man that would be paradise, then I try and think of what that reality would be like - NO WAY!!!! I would be in a straight jacket if I stayed home! Hats off to all of you that stay at home!!!

MIMI said...

Yep, I'm here!! This first year at home with Summer is one that you will always CHERISH!! Been there, done that. I loved staying at home, but I DO understand the frustrations of it. There is SO MUCH time to work. I've worked since you started kindergarten, and that is a long time! The decision is a very personal one that only you and Chad can make. You WILL be a GREAT MOTHER either way--no doubt about that. Pray about the choices and God will direct you to the answer.
Love being your MOM,

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Of course! Some days I have to tell myself to actually sit down and play with and do stuff with my kids. Otherwise, it is easy to just be in "get things done" mode so that I can feel like I've done something worthwhile. Actually, investing in and playing with my kids is the most worthwhile thing I can be doing. I don't know why that's so hard to remember. These early years are hard, but they go by so fast and then the kids go to school and we wish we had these years back. Enjoy Summer and some days just forget about the "to do" list!

Jenn Knierim said...

I think being content is one of the hardest things to learn. I still have a long way to go. I don't think I could leave my kids to work everyday. I'm so thankful that I can stay home. However, there are MANY days when I daydream about going back to work. I love my kids but staying home is Hard!

Maggie Pelton said...

Oh, girl! It's a constant struggle. It's a really good day around here if there aren't 3 days worth of dishes piled in my sink, a fully cleaned dishwasher waiting to be unloaded, clean clothes that have been laying in a basket for 4 days waiting to be folded, and no crumbs from the days snacks all over the floor and bar. Today is not a good day, because the opposite of all of that is true. And what am I doing right now? Reading your blog!!

You gotta lower your expectations, honey! Go for the teachable life moments with summer and not so much the pressure to perform and maintain house like you once did. I was the person who couldn't sleep if there was a cup in my sink. My how times have changed!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I feel your pain! It can get monotonous at times and you feel like you are in that movie "Ground Hog Day" where you just keep doing the same things over and over again, but it is the most important job in the world! Hang in there! Before you know it, you will be sending her to school and you will be wishing you had this special time back! Love you! See you in a week!!