Wednesday, December 30, 2009
In the Kitchen
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Summer Marie_7 months
- putting everything in her mouth
- Lucy & Sampson, her big dogs
- eating baby food
- riding in the car
- playing on the floor
- pulling hair, phone headset wires, important papers and basically grabbing anything within reach
- Twinkle Twinkle (she may be scared from that song)
- Being put in her high chair then abandoned, so she thinks. I can't put her in there until the food is ready.
- She completely sits up unassisted
- She will pull her knees under her on occasion but has not made the progression to crawling yet
- She is really amused by Lucy and will kick her legs in excitement when she runs towards her
- Yesterday I laid her down for a nap and as I was closing the door I saw her hand reach up on the side of the crib...say what!! I couldn't believe it! Today we lowered her crib mattress.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snow Pics
Luckily we have enough food, drinks and supplies to sit back and relax and enjoy the snow.
Winter Wonderland
The first night that it snowed we accidentally left Lucy outside. It was just an innocent mishap of letting her out to go "final teetee" then not letting her back in. Luckily we didn't shut the back door all the way and she let herself back in. We have a sunroom that we close the doors on at night as it gets cold in there so she was stuck in the sunroom with the back door wide open and snow falling outside. Sounds pathetic right? Well I think Lucy probably loved the freedom of being able to party all night long. I wish I could have known how many times she went in and out during the night...especially in the snow.
And here is the big boy in the snow. He likes it less.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Early Christmas
Friday, December 11, 2009
Love at 6 months
- Summer smiling at Sampson at 3:30am,reaching to grab his ear while I am trying to burp her.
- Her BIG open mouth grin when she sees her reflection in the mirror.
- The way her 17 lb little body feels leaning against my chest when she falls asleep in my arms.
- The fact that I took her in and and out of World Market without her waking up and everyone oohh'd and aahh'd over her cute sleepy face with her bunny rabbit jacket on.
- How she was completely amused by the reflection of my ponytail on the wall and burst into laughter in the waiting room at the Toyota dealership.
- She eats my homemade baby food without hesitation.
- The smile she gives me right before I start her massage like she knows this is going to be relaxing.
- Her consistant nightly routine and how she goes to sleep without a peep.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Growing Up
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Summer's First Bow
Note to picture above: Summer was fussing because I was looking through the bag of bows and not giving her my attention then as soon as I held up the camera she looked straight at it and smiled...then went back to fussing until the next shot was ready. Oh the drama queen knows exactly how to work the situation!
Smile real big if you are thankful to have a bow in every color to match your outfits.Stick your tongue out if you are ready to play in the snow in your new snowsuit that Santa Martin gave you (early). Sidenote: there is a waterproof outer shell that goes with it.
Gramma and Grandad came up for a doctor appointment this week and got a few Summer squeezes. If only she could be packaged I could sell her as a cure for everything!