Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Progress Report

Have I mentioned that this past week Summer has learned how to sit up. Obviously in this photo she has the support of a comfy chair but she can sit up for 35 seconds+ . One day it was 1 second, next day 7 seconds and third day 35 seconds; I was amazed!In the past 2 weeks of transition, Summer has also gone from eating plain rice cereal to now eating oatmeal with peaches, applesauce, bananas, pears, avocado, green beans and sweet potatoes. The girl has not turned her nose up at any of these foods. I thought there was a chance she might not like the green beans but then I realized that I ate green beans at least 4 days a week while I was pregnant so it is no wonder she ate the entire jar (even plain, not mixed in with the oatmeal). She now opens her mouth for each bite and likes to eat fast. If I don't scoop it in her mouth fast enough she WILL put her index finger in there instead.
Mimi had Veteran's day off and wanted to practice doing chores around the house with Summer in the Baby Bjorn. They both seemed to like it...which meant I liked it too.


MIMI said...

MIMI did LOVE having Summer help me bake a cake,sweep, and fold clothes. She is such a GOOD helper. (Although MIMI did wake up this morning around 2:30 with aching shoulders-I need to get in shape to be a MIMI-it's no EASY job, but the MOST REWARDING ever!!)
It has been so sweet to wake up to the sound from upstairs of this tiny little voice talking to herself. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT-it has been the TIME OF MY LIFE!!
Happy to BE MIMI

Maggie Pelton said...

Congrats Summer!

I'm so sorry about the move situation, though. What a pain. Hopefully you'll get moved in soon.

uncle bud said...

9 days with no blog is killin me. Wish I new what the new house looks like.

Uncle Bud

aunt jen said...

Happy 6 months old Summer on Nov
20th! Hope to see some pics of your new home. I'm sure your mommy isn't busy unpacking or anything!