Friday, November 20, 2009

Summer Marie - 6 Months

Thank you for still checking this blog. I have been shaking from blog withdrawals but that is the life of moving with a 6 month old (as of today) and not having our wireless internet setup yet (how dare they expect me to "plug in").
Well...WE MADE IT! I have so much to blog about but let me first start with my sweet cupcake's 6 month birthday.
Summer Marie is now 1/2 a year old. Knowing me I will start planning her 1 year birthday party as soon as Christmas is over.
LOTS has changed with Summer in the past month. Here is her list of likes, dislikes and new skills.
  • Eating food - she has now eaten rice cereal and oatmeal, applesauce, bananas, pears, avocado, sweet potato, butternut squash, peas, carrots, green beans, pear juice and prunes. She loves them all the same and never turns down a bite. You MUST feed this chick fast or she will begin to eat her fingers and that is when you have a big mess.
  • Being in public - no matter how cranky her gums may make her act at home she will turn into a angelic sugar cube once you leave the front door.
  • Standing - put her on her feet and it will turn a frown upside down.
  • Baby Einstein - watches daily and still loves it, My First Sounds


  • Naps - whatever you do don't try to make her take a nap in her crib. She only wants to take naps while riding in the car (the carseat is no longer a dislike), being pushed in the stroller or riding around in the baby bjorn.
  • Teething - both Mommy and Summer dislike this. This morning she appeared to be in some monster pain so I gave her a small dose of Children's Tylenol. I predict she will have a tooth by Christmas.
  • Pooping - not really sure if this is a dislike but now that she is eating food her pooh is shaped like an adults (TMI?). She really likes to poop when I am changing her diaper so she can have some assistance (don't worry I won't describe how I "assist" but I am her mother that is what I am supposed to do). The rate she is going I think I could potty train her on pooping soon!


  • Sitting Up Unassisted - as of November 7th Summer started sitting up on her own. She can now sit for 2+ minutes. She no longer has to have her hands on the ground either. She can sway to the side and correct her posture without falling over. If she does fall over, on the carpet, she doesn't cry but just rolls over.
  • Grabbing - she grabs everything in reach. Her favorite item is my hair-OUCH!
  • Smiling/Laughing - she smiles back at you and will laugh if she thinks your funny (of course she thinks I am).

Ta-Da now the pictures!

More updates to come...


aunt jen said...

Yea, Summer! You are such a big girl sitting up all by yourself for 2 minutes! Jana that 1st picture is BEAUTIFUL! That's a can really tell how she is growing and just getting so pretty! Summer, your Uncle Bud is in the woods right now trying to "catch a deer".
Luv ya'll!

MIMI said...

Speaking of withdrawals--I'm having Summer and her Mommie withdrawals. I just can't believe that our little tiny baby is so BIG!!
Give our love to all the Martins and enjoy your precious time together on Summer's 1st Thanksgiving. We have SO MUCH to be THANKFUL for.