Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sick Summer and Potty Training

As I write this blog I have a sick baby girl laying on my chest.  What I thought was allergies for the past week came to a head Monday and I took her to the doctor.  It turned out she was diagnosis with a double ear infection.  Plus, she has some labored breathing that we are treating with a bronchial dilator syrup. 
Monday - Summer and Mommy
My typical morning playful daughter has been in my arms for 2 hours (with 2 backpacks on). 
Here is the amazing part...Summer potty trained all last week while she had this junk!  She successfully filled her potty chart with 70 stars in 6 days.  I did document her first #2 but don't worry I won't post it.  She has even told me she needed to potty in public twice (and we made it in time). 
Tuesday - Summer and Mommy
 After our second trip to the Dr., Summer was diagnosed with RSV.  She received 2 additional breathing treatments and the doctor was seriously considering admiting her into the hospital.  Lucky for us, he thought she would be ok with taking home a nebulizer and me administering breathing treatments.  She also got a steriod prescription and that really helped. 
After our third Dr. appt this week, she has shown great improvement in breathing and her fever is gone.  However, she is still a sick little girl.
Wednesday - Summer and Mommy
 Pray for us to have a great night's rest.


Anna & Greg said...

Poor thing! I hope she starts feeling better soon, and you both get some sleep. Congrats on the potty training - what an accomplishment!

the crazy armstrongs said...

poor baby.. It's so hard to watch them be so helpless..not fun! Enjoy the extra cuddle time and don't forget to take time for yourself. Awesome job on the potty training... I hope Jonas gets it as easily. love you guys

aunt jen said...

I hope she continues to get better everyday. I'm so impressed with her being potty trained 2 months before her 2nd b'day! We love ya'll! Prayers for good rest :)

MIMI said...

Sickness does bring bonding time that YOU never will forget. Cherish these sweet memories. Summer is getting some great TLC. What a BIG GIRL with the potty training--so proud of her and YOU!

Dad said...

I regretted so much to hear that Summer was sick. I know that you gave her the care she needed and that only a Mommie can provide. I am certain that both Summer and you were worn down from battling the illness, so I hope you can both rest well. Even in a time of sickness, those moments of holding her will later be cherished and remembered with fondness! I know, because I still remember holding you just like that! I love you both.

Lisa said...

Jana - Chad has been keeping me updated and we have been praying for you all. I was telling Chad we actually bought a nebulizer when one of my kids was sick (it is now a distant memory) and we use it a lot. Dr. Riar gave me a number of refills of the steroid and we use it when any of us are feeling a little congested. Best investment in a long time! Hope she is feeling better soon and you don't come down with it!

Maggie Pelton said...

SO sorry you have a sick baby. its all consuming when they're like that. I hope she gets back to her spunky self soon.